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Complaint procedure

Complaint procedure

A complaint? Let us know!

We hate to make the same error twice. Please help us to prevent that

You have received a medical product. In spite of the fact that we have discussed the possibilities, impossibilities and possible restrictions on the product with great care, it may be that the product does not meet the requirements that may be expected in this situation.

We would like to inform you how to act in case you are not satisfied with Ambroise’s delivered product or service.

If we have received your ‘dissatisfaction’, we will take care of it as a complaint if you wish, in accordance to our National Laws: Wet kwaliteit, klachten en geschillen zorg.

1. In order to process your complaint, please fill out the ‘complaint form’ below or send your complaint to or to our address to the attention of ‘complaints’. We will do everything possible to find the right solution with you and for you.

2. If the complaint is not soluble, the ‘complaint form’ can be submitted as a complaint to the our National Complaints Committee (Dutch) ( of the relevant branch at your request. National procedures may be different in your country.

3. If the Complaints Commission fails to resolve your complaint to the satisfaction of the parties concerned, the complaint may be submitted to our certification organisation, the SEMH secretariat. In that case there is a dispute.

Our company is a certified member of the SEMH* and is affiliated with the SEMH. The SEMH then asks its body, the Disputes Committee, to make a binding ruling on the dispute between the parties.

* The SEMH aims to qualify healthcare providers; promoting the image in the market of present vendors and providing guarantees to customers who make use of services offered by suppliers. Certified suppliers meet stringent requirements that result in high-quality supplies deliveries. You can reach the SEMH in writing via PO Box 526, 2400 AM Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands.

Complaint form

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